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Roving round for reptiles


Jeff Scott

Little Desert National Park VIC Bush Blitz | Oct 2018

My first scientific field trip. Ever. With real scientists. What would the day deliver? Well, as it turned out, plenty.

It was a very early start for my Western Australian body clock. By 6:15am local time we were on the move. I couldn't tell you how long we drove to get to our first stop but it was light by the time we arrived.

We met co-operative land owners Julia, Ken and Alex. They are very passionate about their piece of land beside the Little Desert National Park. And they should be. It is nearly 50 years ago that concerned citizens successfully fought for the survival of the natural habitat from being turned into grazing pastures. We are with them to help conduct a site survey to find out who and what are living on their property.

Team leader Joanna is a passionate scientist who loves being in the field. Ben from Wimmera Catchment Management Area (CMA) joined us too. Ben was interested in any mammals that may also be found in the traps set up by the reptiles team.

The day flew by in a flash. It was truly inspiring and amazing watching and listening to these incredibly passionate, committed people working with and in nature. Latin names for anything found rolled off their tongues. Yelps of delight could be heard when something special was discovered. Energy levels were high even at the end of a very long day.

So, after visiting 9 sites, lots of amazing finds (see list below) and packing up 4 of those sites, we made it home at 7:30pm. Happily exhausted, we sat down and ate a very well deserved dinner.

Huge thanks to Joanna and Til for being so patient and understanding for the day. It was an honour and privilege to enjoy the experience with you.

Species list
Pobble bonk frog
Western pygmy possum
Fat tailed dunnart
Wood gecko
Mitchell’s short tailed snake
Velvet gecko
Spade footed frog
Painted dragon
Obscura skink
Robusta skink