I've been bushwalking many times in my life and everywhere I go I see moss all around. Until today, I had no idea that what I can see with just my eyes, is the tip of the surface.

My adventure today began with a zoom meeting with my class and entomologist Zoe who talked about True Bugs and their difference to insects. Most interesting fact being that they use a straw type thing on their face to 'suck the guts' out of their prey. To a class of 7 and 8 years olds, this piece of information was gold. Once done, I headed out into the field with the botany team. 

Back to the magic of moss. Our scientists today chose our site based on the presence of limestone rocks and it's potential to hold a range of different plants. I was able to use a fantastic tool that allowed me to see the moss up close. It was incredible! What I took for the same species at first glance looked quite different under the microscope. We also found some moss that felt crackly and crumbly. However, after adding a few drops of water, the moss unfurled before my eyes, changing colour and shape. Present at the same site were lichens, which I first mistook for moss when it was on the ground. It wasn't until I was able to look at a magnified view that I could see some small differences. 

Rounding out the day was dinner at the boathouse and  the opening of the King Island Herbarium. Outstanding!