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Wasp v Spider


Michael Tubby

Today started off on a really high note, after being dropped on the dried up Gilbert River bed, we were amazed to see two dingoes watching our group from the other side of the river. Unfortunately I didn't have the proper camera lens with me to get good photos! I'll make sure I'm properly prepared for working in the bush from now on. Especially as after lunch we got to watch a huge wasp hunt and fight a very large huntsman spider. The wasp won! It stung the spider and dragged it back to its burrow to consume it at its leisure.

After FOUR helicopter rides, we returned to base camp in time to join JR, Kenny and Ranger Nick as they took care of the bush with some cultural burning. Ranger Nick explained how they planned the burns by designating a "box" which the fire would be contained within. The sides of the box were defined by roads, creeks and other natural features. JR then told us about how First Nation’s people would listen to the land and look for signs that the land needed burning to clear out rubbish and make room for new growth. How showed us how he would light lots of small fires, so that they would all burn a little patch and burn out, instead of having one big fire that got too big and too hot. The scientists asked us teachers to take the opportunity to catch animals fleeing from the fire; Mrs Edwards found a huge stick insect, while I curated a small collection of cockroaches.

Another awesome day in Rungulla National Park on Ewamian Country.